Summer Trend

Desde que vi por primera vez una foto con este look me encanto, tenia algo que sabia que iba a entusiasmar a la gente, y haber tanto personas que lo odiaran o que lo amaran, de esas cosas que ves por primera vez y sabes que no va a ser la ultima y yo no podía ser menos, aunque creo que me gusta mas en vestido pero ambas me fascinan, esta superposición cada vez esta cogiendo mas altitud y no creo que se vaya o almenos no por una larga temporada, ya lo he visto en las calles y es un look que me encandila, por eso tenia ganas de mostrarlo aunque seguro que ya lo habréis visto, y es algo que se ama o se odia, ustedes ¿en que bando estáis?

Since I saw for the first time a photo with this look I love, there had something that he knew that he was going to fill with enthusiasm the people, and be so much persons who hated it or who loved it, of these things that you see for the first time and know that it is not going to be the last one and I I could not be less, although I believe that I like more in garment but both fascinate me, this superposition every time this taking more altitude and I do not believe that it goes away or  not for a long period, I have already seen it in the streets and it is a look that bewilders me, that’s why it was wanting to show it although sure that you will have already seen, and it is something that loves itself or is hated, and in what edict are you?

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