
The Midnite Blues
The Midniteblues is the fashion project from two spanish sisters from Barcelona; Mercedes and Connie.
We have joined our different “savoir faire” to create this personal fashion blog, where you can find different outfits, latests fashion trends, trips, streetstyle and much more..
Why The Midnite Blues?
The Midnite Blues is the name given to a very special blue colour, and was the colour of our first car too. Moreover  it is also a very witty description found in Haruki Murakami’s literature to which we are both really hooked!! And finally, it allows us to play with tha fact that we also love rhythm & blues music!!!
The team:
Mercedes (me) is mostly responsible for the modelling. After having worked since she was 14 as a model, she developed this passion for fashion and for staying in front of the camera. Also due to her writing skills acquird during her first studies she prefers to write dayly posts, collaborate with magazines and other radio programmes.
Connie instead, prefers to stay behind the scene, coming up with new outfits, capturing new trends and shaping them into fabolous pictures! She has turned her passion for photography into this blog, where you can find many editorials, that go far beyond a simple photo shoot.
We hope you like our style and dayle post and you can get some inspiration from us or just get enterntained for a while!

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