Always a good jean

Always a good jean-1005-mercedesmaya

 And finally today I have arrived to Milano after staying in Barcelona for one more night due to the French controller’s strike, for me it was not that bad 😉 Jeans are a basic piece on my wardrobe, well I think in everyone’s wardrobe. And I do like having a good pair of them as […]

Black and white goddess

Black and white goddess-1043-mercedesmaya

Quick post before leaving back to Italy, after an express trip of 48h to Barcelona. And what better than leaving with a big post?? As in this period of the year we tend to attend to a lot of weddings, especially when you are my age hehe I am giving you some inspiration to know […]



Although is Monday, I am super happy as today is a non working day here in Italy, yuuuuhuu! So today I will shoot some pics, I will go out for lunch, will go horse riding, and just relax 🙂 But first I am leaving you with some pics of the weekend when I went for […]