Total black+ print

Hola chicos, ya navidades como pasa el tiempo, sinceramente a mi me gusta regular esta época, pero nunca digo que no a una quedada con amigos jajajajaja, que tal este puente? yo genial de escapada rural con los amigos, perfecto para desconectar de la ciudad y relajarnos. Bueno os traigo este look con fotos geniales que me hizo mi chico, a mi me encantan  y mas este abrigo que le dan el toque ideal al look, encantada con este total black que te salva de cualquier apuro, un beso enorme y espero que os vaya genial la semana, no olvidéis que me encanta leeros.

Nunca dejes de soñar.

Hello boys, already Christmases as the time happens, sincerely do I like regulating this epoch, but I never say that not to one remained with friends jajajajaja, that such this bridge? brilliant I of rural escape with the friends, perfect to disconnect of the city and to relax. Good I bring to you this look with brilliant photos that my boy did to me, I love and more this overcoat than him they give the ideal touch to the look, pleased with this whole black that saves you from any trouble, an enormous kiss And I hope you go great the week, do not forget that I love to read. 

Never stop dreaming.

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