weekend at the countryside

weekend at the countryside-36612-mes-bijoux

  A fortnight before, we spent a relaxing weekend in the countryside. We like driving along tiny roads without traffic and discovering lost villages… click to see more.   Hace unos quince días, pasamos un fin de semana de relax en el campo. Nos gusta conducir por pequeñas carreteras sin tráfico y descubrir pueblos perdidos… […]

love is all around

love is all around-35984-mes-bijoux

 Although we will not celebrate Valentine’s day (reason one: my husband is working 600km away and reason two: we follow the catalan tradition of St. George’s day as the day of the lovers, when we give books and roses to our loving ones) I adoooore this day! Then, I would like to show you some inspirations as […]

last weekend

last weekend-35697-mes-bijoux

Because the weather forecast wasn’t very good (we were in the middle of a cold spell, with frozen temperatures) last weekend we decided to stay at home. Although I looove to lie down at bed, just staring at my ceiling and thinking, my beloved husband always needs to do something! Then, I have to pretend […]

different hotels

different hotels-29873-mes-bijoux

Si pudiera viviría en un hotel. Me encantaría tener la cama lista para estrenar cada noche y las toallas nuevas cada vez que me duchase (sí, ya sé que estás pensando que es muy poco ecológico, pero no te preocupes, porque de todas maneras, NO vivo en uno). Dicho esto, hoy te quiero enseñar unos […]