Yeahhh it’s Friday and I am entering in the vacation mood!! Although being in Barcelona is already like being on holidays!! I am leaving you today with an ethnic outfit I wore a few days ago (yes you know I am really into ethnic right now! and I could not help it when I saw this TBdress one shoulder ethnic top 🙂
Finally yesterday I did a little bit of sales shopping and obviously as always also some none sales shopping…. it’s always the same story! hehehe
Siiii ya es viernes y estoy entrando en la onda de las vacaciones! Aunque estar ya en Barcelona es sinonimo de vacaciones! Os dejo hoy con un outfit étnico que me puse hace unos días (ya sabeis que estoy bastante obsesionada con todo lo étnica ahora y no pude evitar comprar este top étnico de TBdress 🙂
Y finalmente ayer me fui de rebajas y, obviamente, como me pasa siempre también hice shopping de nueva temporada …. es inevitable! hehehe

I was wearing:
Top.- TBdress (here)
Sikrt/Falda.- Shopping Bare
Heels/Tacones.- Andre
perfect mix! 😉
perfect mixx!
Amazing look 😉