shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay

Reconozco que no conocía a esta diseñadora. La descubrí gracias al portal de venta online MyStoremate donde ya os contaba el otro día que tengo mi escaparate de `elegidos´a la venta.  Tuve un flechazo con sus bolsos y me puse a investigar. Los bolsos de Sabrina Tach reflejan ese aire boho tan apetecible en verano. Son bolsos funcionales realizados con las mejores pieles de su Uruguay natal. Bolsos perfectos para ir de shopping tanto por la ciudad como para ir a la playa. A mi me han encantado y no tardaré en hacerme con uno. Os dejo con algunos de mis modelos favoritos aunque podréis ver muchos más en mi escaparte de MyStoremate. Gracias por vuestros comentarios y hasta mañana! 

I must say I didn´t know Sabrina Tach designs. I discovered her brand thanks to MyStoremate, the new shop online where I have my favourite whislist. It was love a first sight when I saw her boho style bags made with the best quality leather from her native Uruguay. They are perfect to go shopping in the city or to go to the beach. I love all of them. I have choose some of my favourites ones but you can find more at MyStoremate. Happy day! 

shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
Puedes verlo aquí / Click here to shop
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
Puedes encontrarlo aquí // Click here to shop


shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
Puedes verlo aquí / Click here to shop
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay

shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay

shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
Puedes verlo aquí / click here to shop
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay
Puedes verlo aqui / Click here to shop

shopping, sabrina tach, my storemate, bolsos boho, bohochic style, shopping bag, shopper, coco bag, aztec trend, hand made, uruguay 

Sources: Sabrina Tach website & Facebook

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