Time for a break

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New month is up, and finally it’s time for a break… I was here for every single day, but finally I decided to take a break. I need this…

For a long time, my days look the same. I’m working a lot, probably this month will be long and busy for me. So I can’t be avaible here as much as I want to be. It’s painful for me, cos I love my blogging life, I like share my daily looks – my real looks, share some beauty stuffs, and more. I love to read your comments, mean a lot for me, so finally I’m at the point when I can’t be apart of this blog, of this lovely family. I would like to publish new posts every single day, trust me! but sometimes I don’t have a time to take a few photos. I am the person who has everything planned, so I lived in a stress when I couldn’t share some posts…

The second reason is that I have to do everything alone. It’s hard when you don’t have any support of your friends & family, so I need to figure out something new. As I told you, I like be a blogger, I think finally I found something for me, I found my little space. So I don’t want to give up! Especially, when I had a chance to work as journalist.

stress & hard work = I was so tired.

Sometimes I don’t have energy, the one thing which I could do was sleeping, not funny…

Finally I decided to take a break… I need more days off, more relaxing day, more days for me…


mimundonormal will be closed for a month

(dont worry I’ll read yours blogs)

hope you’ll understand, and will come back here on September.



25 thoughts on “Time for a break

  1. Espero que este mes te sirva para organizarte mejor y poder seguir adelante con el blog si es lo que deseas. Yo he tenido este año el blog bastante abandonado y me da muchísima rabia porque me encanta, pero hay veces que no tienes hueco y tienes que elegir o blog o dormir… Pero lo dicho, aquí te esperamos hasta que vuelvas renovada y con más ganas que nunca!
    Mucho ánimo y fuerza guapísima!

    Elena de
    Somniare Aude Blog

  2. no i dobrze, przerwa się należy nawet od miłych zajęć takich jak blogowanie!
    nie rób sobie wyrzutów tylko wyłącz neta i odpoczywaj 🙂 poza tym też zrobiłam sobie brejka na miesiąc i pewnie nawet nikt tego nie zauwazył haha 😀 Pozdrawiam ! WYpoczywaj!

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