Trailer: The Bling Ring, with Emma Watson by Sofia Coppola

The teaser of The Bling Ring has just been released! The movie looks amazing, I can’t wait to see it. It’s based on a true story and it tells how a gang of teenagers obsessed with celebrities robbed several houses and thousands of dollars worth in clothes and jewellery. It’s been written and directed by Sofia Coppola and Emma Watson stars in it. Fashion is a very important part of the movie. You can read more about the movie on this post.


El teaser de The Bling Ring acaba de salir! La película tiene una pinta genial, que ganas de verla. Está basada en hechos reales y cuenta la historia de un grupo de jóvenes obsesionados con los famosos que llegaron a asaltar casas para robar a celebrities. Ha sido escrita y dirigida por Sofia Coppola, y Emma Watson es una de las estrellas principales. Podéis leer más sobre la película en este post.

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